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10 Ways to Prevent Falling at Home

A few simple home improvement projects can make all the difference in keeping you and your loved ones safe from dangerous falls.

One out of four older adults will fall this year, but fewer than half of them will talk with their doctors about it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Per the CDC, falls are the No. 1 cause of injuries in adults over 65, resulting in hip fractures, cuts, and even serious head and brain injuries that can be fatal. 
Even when there’s no serious injury, a fall can be so frightening that people may avoid certain activities out of fear they’ll fall again. And that's not unreasonable, because if you fall once, your chance of falling again doubles, according to the CDC. Whether it’s slippery floors, rickety stairs, or electrical cords, some of the most common causes of falls are in the home, where you might have a false sense of security. That’s why fall prevention starts with creating a safe living space. It doesn’t have to involve a complete house remodel. You can make your home safe from falls with just a few basic changes. Elder care experts offer the following advice for preventing falls at home.


For older adults, fall prevention means injury prevention. Ask your loved ones to help you ensure that your rooms and stairways are clutter-free and well-equipped with lighting, handrails, grab bars, and nonslip mats — all of which can go a long way toward keeping you safe in your home. In the event a fall does occur, having a proper Medicare plan can help alleviate surprise medical costs.

(Source: everydayhealth)